Category Archives: Fashion Week

Obsession Du Jour: Cinemagraphs

I came across these fascinating little gifs today when I was reading the blog of one of my favorite artists, Leigh Viner. Brainchild of the well known photography duo, Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg, these moving moments in time have had me glued all day. See more of their enchanting Cinemagraphs here.


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Filed under Fashion Week, Just Because, Photography

Eff. N. O.

Fashion’s Night Out, commonly known as FNO, became more of an “EFF no” this morning when my day went downhill faster than Ben Affleck’s performance in Pearl Harbor.  With two parties to attend tonight, I had an early morning planned to allot plenty of time for prepping so I could go straight from work to the events. Those “day-night” pieces in People Style Watch are a sick joke. No one can go from work to a party simply by switching their cardigan for a blazer. Anyways, my perfect morning went as follows:

  • Up at 630
  • throw in the load of laundry I’ve been putting off, –laundry day underwear for FNO? I don’t think so
  • get in a quick work out
  • enjoy my coffee and a few minutes of the Today show
  • take refreshing shower leaving plenty of time to curl my hair and stow my outfit for tonight safely in a garment bag.

Totally doable, right? If you believe that, we obviously haven’t met.

First up, I sleep through my alarm. Okay, so I have one less hour, no big deal. Who doesn’t love starting their morning hand washing delicates in the bathroom sink? It builds character. And if I do squats while I curl my hair, I can totally count it as a work out. So all I have to do is rush through my shower, pack my things a little quicker and I’m still on time. Piece. of. cake. Cut to an hour later, me 15 minutes late for work, furiously doing lunges while I try not to burn myself with my curling iron, and warily attempt to maneuver a straw from my coffee to my mouth. Have you ever tried to drink coffee through a straw? I’ll stick to whitening my teeth, thanks. 

Late and flustered, I make it to work in one, mildly singed piece, 20 minutes after I’m supposed to arrive. I haven’t tried on tonight’s outfit for the zillionth, yet equally as crucial, time and I’ve forgotten the oh-so necessary safety pin that keeps my straps from going rogue. Note: If the dress is wont to pull a Tara Reid, put it back. No matter how good of a deal it is, that will always bother you. If you’re thinking, “you should just go get it tailored!” we really haven’t met. There’s a better chance of me growing wings than thinking that far ahead.

So things could be worse, but they could definitely better. Hopefully that completes the designated “shitty” part of my day and I won’t be racing against time tonight. I have a 5:30 lash/brow appointment at Benefit Boutique on Armitage with my awesome lash artist, Rae, (seriously she is THE BEST), and then I’m off to two parties. First at SAKS for a fete with Brian Atwood and my friends at Michigan Avenue magazine, and then to an event at The Shops At Northbridge with Chicago Magazine and the Chicago Blogger Network. It will be tight, but at least I don’t have to do more lunges.

Follow me @skatebord for pics and updates tonight! And I’ll breakdown tonight’s look and update you on cleavage-gate tomorrow.

xoxo Samantha

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Filed under Big Girl Job, Fashion, Fashion Week